Port Hedland Leisure receives AUSactive quality accreditation

Published on Tuesday, 2 August 2022 at 3:38:42 PM

Port Hedland Leisure has received AUSactive quality accreditation, demonstrating excellence in providing members and the community with the highest level of care and guidance in health, fitness and wellbeing.

Port Hedland Leisure meets the requirements of the AUSactive National Quality Business Framework, endorsed by the Health and Fitness Industry Standards Council.

AUSactive is the peak health and exercise industry association, with the largest register of exercise professionals and facilities across Australia.

Mayor Peter Carter welcomed Port Hedland Leisure’s accreditation, particularly following the challenges faced by the industry during the pandemic.

“I’m pleased Port Hedland Leisure’s commitment to providing fitness for all has been recognised through an AUSactive quality accreditation, one of a select few regional fitness facilities to have achieved this milestone.

“In the last three years, we’ve seen one million visits to Leisure’s facilities despite constant challenges to operations as the pandemic unfolded. This is thanks to the hard work, dedication and passion of Leisure’s tenacious leadership and staff,” he said.

The accreditation delivers on the responses as outlined in the Town’s Strategic Community Plan 2022-2032.

“Council are committed to delivering on the Town’s strategic responses, including that facilities and community infrastructure such as Wanangkura Stadium, South Hedland Aquatic Centre and the Gratwick Aquatic and Fitness Centre are well maintained, managed and fit-for-purpose to provide a range of opportunities for active lifestyles.

“Port Hedland Leisure is set to build on the success of this accreditation with an exciting future on the horizon, as the South Hedland Integrated Sports Hub starts to take shape with the incorporation of a bigger gym, new aquatics facility and much more to service our growing population.”

For media information:Shanna CrispinManager, Public Relations and Communications0482 999 056 | scrispin@porthedland.wa.gov.au

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