Isolation 101

At Port Hedland Leisure, we know the benefit that fitness plays in your life, especially in difficult times such as these. Let’s be honest: you guys couldn’t stop yourself from training even if you tried! With that being said, training from home creates a whole new set of unique challenges to deal with. You may have kids stuck inside who are itching for new activites to keep them entertainment, dinner that needs to be prepared, and you just want to find out whether or not those crazy kids on MAFS are going to make it (they aren’t).

So, in an effort to keep everyone moving and grooving, over the next few weeks, our fitness family will be providing you with a variety of resources to give you the knowledge and motivation to keep you on the gains train – Below are some tips for working out at home +some special at home workouts we've put together just for you. [cont. below]


  • Exercise first thing in the morning
  • Keep busy around the house
  • Invest in exercise equipment
  • Every bit of exercise counts

1. Get it in before your Socials

We all love to scroll through our social media feeds in the morning – However, the reality is that it can be a time consuming distraction which can easily eat up 30 minutes of your day. Why scroll through fitness content without actually doing it?

Instead, swap your iPhone for a dumbbell when you wake up and that will leave the rest of the day completely open for you to ‘floss’ or ‘do a TikTok’ or whatever the kids are doing these days.

2. Keep things NEAT

While technically ironing and washing up are examples of staying neat, what we actually mean is to focus on your ‘Non-Exercise Active Thermogenesis.' One of the most often overlooked stimulators of fat loss is all the calories you expend by just going about your daily routine – walking, typing, and even fidgeting! However, with home isolation becoming a way of life (at least for now), and your usual routine going out the window, it’s important that you try to keep active around the house and avoid devolving completely into one of the dreaded … sofa sloths.

3. Don't Aim for Perfection

Being stuck at a home may have a withering effect on your already taxed time and willpower. Between needy kids, needier partners and skype conference calls, it may be difficult to even sneak in a quick 15-minute workout – But better anything than nothing. Besides, if the movies have taught us anything, you need to look good in an apocalypse and from what we’ve seen so far of 2020, we’re on the verge of going full on Mad Max!

If you’re taxed for time, you may be tempted to involve your kids/partner in your workout – I sure do normally. Pop your kid on your shoulders and do some squats. Swap your weights with your kid and get in your bicep curls for the day. However, this is probably not the best idea right now, instead give some of our workouts below a whirl!

4. Your New Reality

No idea where to begin? We've got you fam! Here are three mini-workouts you can perform from the peace and comfort of your own home. If you aren't sure about some of the exercises, fear not! We'll be rolling out more explanatory content over the next few days.

Mini-Workout 1: Confinement





  1. Push-Ups x15
  2. Walking Plank-to-Hover x20
  3. Squats x25
  4. Wall Sit (30s)
  5. Mountain Climbers (30s)

Mini-Workout 2: Quarantine Quads


As Below



Main (2 Rounds)

  1. Walking Lunges x3 Laps
  2. High Knees x3 Laps
  3. Lateral Squat Jumps x3 Laps
  4. Travelling Inch Worm x1 Lap

Finisher (3 Rounds)

  1. Push-Ups x5
  2. Shuttle Sprint (15s)
  3. Squat Jumps x5

Note: (i) When we use the term 'Lap' we're referring to a lap of your corridor; (ii) Shuttle Sprints are just of your internal corridor, but keep an eye out for hazards around the home.

Mini-Workout 3: House Arrest HIIT


As Below



Main (AMRAP in 10m)

  1. Pusp-Ups x10
  2. Lunges (Left+Right) 10x
  3. Burpees x10
  4. Jump Squats x10
  5. Chair Tricep Dips x10

Finisher (4 Rounds)

  1. Shuttle Sprint (15s)
  2. Mountain Climber (15s)

Note: Shuttle sprints are just of your internal corridor, but keep on eye out for hazards around the home.